China se convierte en líder de pedidos internacionales de patentes
China se convirtió en 2019 en el principal solicitante de pedidos internacionales de patentes, desplazando por primera vez a Estados Unidos, indicó la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad -
Protesters target Polanski film at cinemas in Brussels
Feminist activists defaced cinemas in Brussels with angry condemnations of director Roman Polanski's latest film overnight on Tuesday and Wednesday. -
London Latino heartlands struggle for survival
Whenever London's South Americans go looking for a job, a helping hand, the flavours of home or a party with their compatriots, they head to the Latino indoor market -
Tutankhamun sculpture’s London auction sparks Egyptian outcry
A 3,000-year-old head sculpture of an eternally-young Tutankhamun — the Egyptian pharaoh known as King Tut — goes under the hammer this week in London despite an outcry from Cairo. -
Four top British authors in novel anti-Brexit European crusade
Ken Follett, Lee Child, Kate Mosse and Jojo Moyes, four heavyweights of British literature, are launching a "Friendship Tour" of Europe to represent the 48 percent who -
Zombies and women: London Men's Fashion Week wraps up
Models in zombie make-up and a growing number of women on the catwalks were among the eye-catching features of Men's Fashion Week, which wrapped up in -
'Britain's Notre-Dame' tells fiery tale of restored glory
A bolt of lightning pierced its tower and flames licked across its thick oak roof. Thirty-five years ago it was York Minster in northern England that went up in flames. -
Elton John joins call for boycott of Brunei-owned hotels
British pop legend Elton John has joined "friend" George Clooney in calling for a boycott of nine Brunei-owned hotels over the sultanate's new death-penalty laws for -
Ed Sheeran marries girlfriend in 'tiny wedding': report
British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran has married his girlfriend Cherry Seaborn in a "tiny winter wedding", The Sun newspaper reported on Thursday. -
Death-defying free climb lifts Honnold into Oscars contention
Alex Honnold, a big wall climber who has conquered a series of intimidating rock faces on his own and almost without equipment, could on Sunday add the Oscars to his conquests for his

Google saca sitio web de extrema derecha de su plataforma de anuncios
Google confirmó el martes que sacó un sitio web de extrema derecha de su plataforma de anuncios y dio a otro una advertencia por permitir comentarios... -
Técnicos de FMI favorecen propuesta revisada de Argentina a acreedores
Una revisión de la propuesta oficial argentina para renegociar deuda por 66.000 millones de dólares, que incluye mejoras en las condiciones de... -
El debate sobre la reapertura en EEUU inunda las calles e internet
Cuando su negocio se vio afectado por las medidas de confinamiento impuestas para frenar el coronavirus, Josh Ellis vio amenazado su sustento y las... -
Trump visitará planta de Ford donde se producen respiradores para impulsar su campaña
El presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, visitará el jueves una fábrica de Ford donde se producen respiradores en Michigan, un importante estado... -
China y Estados Unidos se comprometen a implementar acuerdo comercial
Representantes de comercio de China y Estados Unidos acordaron el viernes implementar el acuerdo comercial firmado en enero, señalaron fuentes oficiales,... -
El turismo internacional podría caer hasta un 80% este año
El volumen de turistas internacionales podría caer hasta un 80% en 2020, a causa de las restricciones de movimientos inducidas por el coronavirus,... -
Federer, Nadal y Djokovic impulsan fondo para ayudar a tenistas en apuros
El 'Big Three' del tenis mundial, formado por las leyendas Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal y Novak Djokovic, ha impulsado la creación de un fondo para... -
El público, el otro gran damnificado por el aplazamiento de los Juegos-2020
Hoteles que rechazan posponer las reservas o rembolsar a los clientes, billetes de avión echados a perder y al final, mucho dinero invertido para... -
EU and UK begin talks on post-Brexit relationship
With Brexit "done" as far as London is concerned, UK and EU negotiators on Monday begin talks aimed at forging a future relationship -- while brandishing... -
Greek islanders block migrant boat from landing
A group of local people on the Greek island of Lesbos on Sunday stopped around 50 migrants, including children, from landing their boat after several... -
NATO offers Turkey solidarity but no pledges after Syria troop losses
NATO on Friday offered solidarity and support to Ankara after at least 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in Syria -- but no pledges of concrete new measures... -
UK must accept 'common' standards for deal with EU: Barnier
The EU's chief negotiator with the UK, Michel Barnier, emphasised Wednesday that Britain must accept standards on a par with the bloc's if it wants a... -
EU warns Britain to keep to Brexit promises
EU ministers gathering Tuesday to adopt a joint negotiating stance on future ties with Britain warned London it must first respect a treaty struck last... -
EU rebuffs UK's 'timewasting' Brexit tweet
The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has dismissed an aggressive tweet by the office of the British prime minister, saying that... -
Merkel succession contender calls her out over slow EU revamp
A leading contender to succeed German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday criticised her for taking too long to respond to a French push to strengthen... -
Brussels seeks to bring home children of Belgian jihadists in Syria
Belgium is working to bring home all children of Belgian jihadists held in refugee camps in Syria, providing their mothers' consent, the country's top... -
EU warns UK not to kid itself on 'equivalence' for finance
Brussels' chief Brexit negotiator on Tuesday brusquely shot down a bid floated by the UK to retain access to the EU market for British financial firms,... -
Next Brexit battle begins over future ties
The EU and Britain will set the stage for Brexit's next bruising chapter on Monday, laying down their vision and red lines for a post-divorce future... -
Free movement for Minions: EU fines NBCUniversal
Even the youngest moviegoers know that the intrepid Minions love to travel in the hunt for their despicable master -- and the EU's internal borders shouldn't...
Qu Dongyu becomes first Chinese to head UN food agency FAO
Qu Dongyu on Sunday became the first Chinese national to be elected to head the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization,
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Belgium outrage over woman punched in burger ad
Belgium's advertising regulator said Wednesday it has clocked up hundreds of complaints over a viral hamburger ad showing a comic-book
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No more rebates in EU budget after Brexit, Commission urges
The European Commission on Wednesday urged EU states to drop the system of asking for rebates from their budget contributions
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Google faces EU anti-trust probe for jobs search tool
The European Commission said Wednesday it had opened an investigation into Google's job search tool on competition grounds, having identified
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Turkey says Cyprus 'ghost town' to be opened
Ankara is planning to open the abandoned town of Varosha on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut
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El exilio, una salida para los manifestantes de Hong Kong
Con 21 años, Crystal, una manifestante hongkonesa prodemocracia, se plantea pedir asilo en Canadá. Como muchos compatriotas suyos, quiere exiliarse... -
El plan de recuperación de la UE no es un programa de "rescate", dice el comisario de Economía
El plan de 750.000 millones de euros propuesto por la Comisión Europea para ayudar a los países europeos a salir de la crisis no es un programa de... -
España levantará la cuarentena para los turistas extranjeros el 1 de julio
El gobierno español indicó el lunes que la cuarentena impuesta a los visitantes extranjeros será eliminada a partir del 1 de julio, después de... -
Una parte de Europa se va de tiendas con el desconfinamiento
De Bruselas a Estambul, miles de ex confinados redescubrieron este lunes sus tiendas o sus centros de belleza preferidos a la búsqueda de un delineador... -
Principal oleoducto de Ecuador fue reparado y está operativo
El principal oleoducto de Ecuador fue reparado y se encuentra operativo tras sufrir daños por un derrumbe ocurrido el 7 de abril que afectó a otras... -
12 hurt as arms depot blasts damage north Cyprus hotel
A string of nighttime explosions at a Turkish military base in northern Cyprus damaged a nearby seaside hotel and injured 12 people Thursday, prompting... -
Migrant drowns off Belgium while trying to swim to UK
The body of an Iraqi migrant who tried to swim across the Channel from France to Britain has been found off Belgium's coast, Belgian authorities said...